Eagle Strip Cutter

EAGLE Strip Cutter XL-900Y

The electronic, digitally controlled Eagle Strip Cutter will automatically and accurately cut a wide range of different materials to a preselected length with tolerance ± .04 inch. The Eagle XL-9OOY comes standard with hot and cold knives, electronically controlled dwell timer, stop motion for automatically stopping the machine when the material runs out, as well as an electronic counter for presetting the number of cutting cycles required.

Special Internet Price $4,995 ºº

Cold Knife:

The “scissor action” cold knife is actuated by a cam, which moves a crank that operates the upper and lower knives to complete the cutting cycle. The knives are made of SKH material, which is extremely durable and has a long expected life. Suitable for tapes, felt, electrical cable, wrapping tube, ribbons, buckram, velcro, paper products, rope, carpet, cords, waistbands, elastic bands, film, plastic zippers, rubberized strips, air and water hose, natural and knitted fabrics. Figure (1)

Figure 1 – Cold Knife

Hot Knife:

The hot knife assembly consists of an 800 W heater and knife, with solid-state temperature control adjustable according to the type of material to be cut. Suitable for webbing, seat belts, nylon rope, synthetic tape and cords, harnesses, parachute straps, artificial ribbon, luggage straps, polyesters and polypropylene. Figure (2)

Figure 2 – Hot Knife

Adjustable Sensitivity Digital Tracking System: ASDTS detects marks or colors on the material to be cut for automation of the cutting process with variable lengths.

AR-180: Motorized Prefeeder minimizes stretch and slip-page on elastic and on heavier materials to insure accuracy.

XD-1000: Compact Tabletop Model

XL-900Y-45D: Angle Strip Cutter is adjustable from 0º through 45º by pneumatic rotary drive.

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